Friday, 17 April 2015

open day

Next Saturday the 25th of April we will be having an open day so you can all come and see our beautiful rooms.
There will be lots of information about our school and courses, activities for children and maybe an ANZAC biscuit or two. We hope to see you there!

Monday, 13 April 2015

over and out and now over there...

Hello out there.....
It must seem like I have spontaneously combusted, I haven't!
I have been busy getting a new business off the ground and today my sister and I officially launch The Assembly Rooms.
We are a school offering creative classes for adults and children and will be opening on the 26th of April for our first term of classes.
I will be teaching pre-school aged art and science classes over there.
Consequently my focus has shifted sideways a little and I will now be blogging from our home base website
You can also follow us on Instagram if you like search for Theassemblyrooms401!
I will keep this blog going as it is dear to me and a good reference if you are looking for some children's activities or some interesting artists.
Thanks a bunch it has been great and hopefully I can see some of you at our classes. The room is so beautiful and I want to sign up for every class so far, hope to see you there.
xx Madeleine