Today I went out with the two boys to collect the eggs and feed the chickens and when we opened up the hen house door one of the chickens was in the middle of " laying an egg out of its cheeky pink bottom" said Arlo. It was pretty amazing to see.
Joel nearly fainted when we told him and went all wobbly gasping "oh god wash it, I never thought of it like that."
Anyway I ate it for breakfast. I am not sure when Joel will eat another.
We have been doing lots of science experiments lately, our slug eggs hatched and the babies are growing at a prodigious speed. Joel is fairly unimpressed with that project too. Arlo has developed a fear of snails which is so crippling that when he stood one the other day he screamed so hard and so long I though it must have been a bee. He was inconsolable. I am trying to reverse that with the slug breeding program, maybe I am making it worse?